Philadelphia Zoo -- I love the Philadelphia Zoo! - Dulary 2006
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Dulary - Philadelphia Zoo, 2006

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Animal-rights activists have succeeded in getting many zoos to close their elephant exhibits. They believe Dulary, the Philadelphia Zoo elephant shown in these photos, will have a better life in a sanctuary. They convinced the zoo to move her to an elephant sanctuary in Tennessee.

I am very much opposed to this decision. I believe Dulary is happy and thriving in the Philadelphia Zoo, which has been her home for 40 years (since she was a baby)

Dulary prefers the company of keepers to that of other elephants, just like some people prefer the company of animals. I believe she will be both homesick and heartsick if she is taken away from the keepers she loves and who love her.

I hope I am wrong. I want Dulary to live many more happy, healthy years, wherever she is.

Click here to see more about Dulary and the other elephants at the Philadelphia Zoo